Summer Research Awards for Undergraduates

Several programs provide students the opportunity to work on a research project for the entire summer, under the supervision of a math faculty member and supported by a stipend. These are

•    Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Undergraduate Student Research Award Program (USRA)
•    University of Toronto Excellence Awards (UTEA)
•    Math Department Research Awards (MDRA).

Duration: 14 weeks (UTEA) or 16 weeks (USRA or MDRA), between May 1 and August 31.

Research stipend: $7,500 or possibly more.

Application process: The first steps of the application process are the same for all three awards.

1.    Check that you satisfy the eligibility requirements listed below.
2.    Submit Application Form; Summer 2025 Deadline Date: February 3rd, 2025. 

You may use a single submission to apply for more than one award. Please send all attachments with a single email.

If you are selected to receive any award, you will be matched with a research supervisor. This may involve an intermediate step in which you are invited to speak to potential supervisors.

3.    If you are selected for an NSERC USRA, you will later have to submit an application via NSERC’s online portal, in collaboration with the research supervisor.
4.    If you are nominated for a UTEA, you still have to submit an application (jointly with your faculty mentor) to the U of T Registrar’s office, which has final say over the awards. This second step of the process is highly competitive. However, every student who we nominate will be guaranteed to receive a MDRA if the UTEA application is not successful.

Eligibility requirements:



To apply for a USRA, a student must

  • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, or a or protected person,
  • have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.85,
  • be registered as a full-time undergraduate student in the natural sciences, with at least one year of undergraduate studies already completed, but degree requirements not all fulfilled.





To apply for a UTEA, a student must

  • be a Canadian citizens or permanent resident, or a foreign student with a student visa valid for the entire summer during which the award will be held,
  • be registered as a full-time undergraduate student at the U of T. Part-time U of T students may apply only if it is their final term and part-time classes are all that is required to complete the degree,
  • have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.15.





To apply for a MDRA, a student must satisfy the eligibility requirements for at least one of the USRA or UTEA awards.





Research Opportunities

Please see below the research opportunities available this summer.  All projects are open for NSERC, UTEA, and MDRA funding. 
Applicants do not need to have spoken with the Supervisor prior in order to express interest on the application. The committee will match applicants with research projects. 

This page will be updated as more projects are available.

If you have any questions about research opportunities in the mathematics department, please email:

Asymmetric Information, Obstacle Problems, and Convexity Constraints in the Calculus of Variations  Supervisor: Robert McCann

Classification of C-algebras  Supervisor: George Elliott

Computations with L-functions  Supervisor: Asif Zaman

Implementation of Electrical Impedance  Supervisor: Spyros Alexakis and Adam Stinchcombe

Knot Families and their θ Invariant  Supervisor: Dror Bar-Natan

Markoff Triples and Periods of Linear Recurence Sequences  Supervisor: Elisa Bellah

Nobody Solves the Quintic Web Site  Supervisor: Dror Bar-Natan

Problems in Graph Discrepancy  Supervisor: Lior Gishboliner

A Nonlinear Function Space Supervisor: Robert Jerrard

Representations, Schur Functors, and Young Tableaux  Supervisor: Mathilde Gerbelli-Gauthier

Shape of a Random Surface  Supervisor: Kasra Rafi

Visualization of Algebraic Structures  Supervisor: Camelia Karimianpour