James Munday and Grigorii Taroian have been awarded the NSERC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

June 6, 2024 by Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics is delighted to announce that two of our students have been awarded an NSERC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship: James Munday and Grigorii Taroian.

James Munday earned a combined honours degree in mathematics and physics from Dalhousie University. Following this, he completed his master’s at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, as part of the 2022-23 Perimeter Scholars International program. He is now a PhD student in mathematics at the University of Toronto and a resident PhD student at the Perimeter Institute, supervised by Kevin Costello. His research interests lie at the intersection of math and physics, in the mathematical formulations of quantum field theory and its connections with algebraic geometry and representation theory.

Grigorii Taroian completed hirs bachelor's and master's degrees at the Higher School of Economics University in Moscow, Russia. His research interests range between combinatorics and abstract homotopy theory. He wrote three research papers on these topics and gave numerous talks and presentations. Grigorii also collaborated with several professors and fellow students. As a result of these collaborations, Grigorii organized a seminar, which became one of the centers for homotopy-theory-related learning in Moscow. At the University of Toronto, Grigorii actively participates in the student self-governance. He co-ran the math graduate seminar last year and was recently elected to the Graduate Students Union director position. Grigorii hopes that the next four years at the University of Toronto will result in many more new mathematical results and community victories.

Complete list of Vanier CGS recipients.