2020-2021 Graduate Courses Timetable
F = First Term (Tuesday, September 8 to Friday, December 9, 2020)
S = Second Term (Monday, January 4 to Thursday, April 1, 2021)
Core Courses Final Exam Schedule:
MAT1000HF: Monday, December 17, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m./BA1180
MAT1100HF: Tuesday, December 11, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m./BA6183
MAT1060HF: Friday, December 14, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m./BA6183
MAT1300HF: Wednesday, December 12, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m./SS1071
MAT1600HF: Thursday, December 6, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m./EX310 (255 McCaul Street)
- Analysis: Monday, September 28, 2020, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in BA1190
- Algebra: Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in BA2165
- Topology: Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in BA1190
- Exams in Probability and PDE will be offered upon request
Graduate Students Orientation: Thursday, September 3, 2020, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Remote)
* Core courses
Course Number | Course Name | Instructor | Time | Room |
MAT1000HF* MAT457H1F |
Real Analysis I | J. De Simoi | M 11 W 10-12 |
MAT1001HS* MAT458H1S |
Real Analysis II | K. Zhang | MWF 10 | ONLINE |
MAT1002HS* MAT454H1S |
Complex Analysis | E. Bierstone | MWF 11 | ONLINE |
MAT1011HF MAT436H1F |
Introduction to Linear Operators | G. A. Elliott | MWF 2 | ONLINE |
MAT1016HS MAT437H1S |
Topics in Operator Algebras: K-Theory and C*-Algebras | G. A. Elliott | MWF 2 | ONLINE |
MAT1045HF | Introduction to Ergodic Theory | G. Tiozzo | M 12 F 12-2 |
MAT1060HF* | Partial Differential Equations I | F. Pusateri | T 3-5 Th 12 |
MAT1061HS* | Partial Differential Equations II | C. Sulem | T 12-2 Th 10 |
MAT1062HS | Topics in Partial Differential Equations I: Hyperbolic PDEs and Applications in General Relativity | S. Aretakis | F 4-7 | ONLINE |
MAT1100HF* | Algebra I | A. Shankar | M 12-2 F 10 |
MAT1101HS* | Algebra II | J. Arthur | MWF 12 | ONLINE |
MAT1128HF | Topics in Probability: Spin Glass | D. Panchenko | T Th 9:30-11 | ONLINE |
MAT1155HF MAT448H1F |
Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry | P. Milman | T 12-1 5-7 |
MAT1190HF | Algebraic Geometry: Arithmetic Techniques | M. Groechenig | M 3 T 3-5 First class Sept. 11 |
MAT1191HF | Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Hodge Theory | A. Braverman | Th 10-1 | ONLINE |
MAT1198HS | Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory II: Functoriality, the Trace Formula and beyond Endoscopy | J. Arthur | MWF 11 | ONLINE |
MAT1200HF MAT415H1F |
Algebraic Number Theory | F. Herzig | M 4 T 10-12 |
MAT1300HF* | Topology I | M. Gualtieri | W 12-2 F 11 |
MAT1301HS* | Topology II | V. Kapovitch | T 2 Th 2-4 |
MAT1302HS APM461H1S |
Combinatorial Methods | K. Rafi | T 11 Th 10-12 |
MAT1304HS CSC2429HS |
Topics in Combinatorics: Circuit Complexity | B. Rossman | Th 4-6 | ONLINE |
MAT1314HS | Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry | M. Marcolli | T 12-2 W 12 |
MAT1318HF | Seminar in Geometry and Topology: Geometry and Dynamics in Teichmuller Space | K. Rafi | M W 10:30-12 | ONLINE |
MAT1340HF MAT425H1F |
Differential Topology | R. McCann | T12 Th 12 Th 4 |
MAT1342HF MAT464H1F |
Introduction to Differential Geometry: Riemannian Geometry | R. Rotman | T 1-3 Th 1 |
MAT1344HS | Introduction to Symplectic Geometry | Y. Karshon | M 12-2 W 10 |
MAT1404HF MAT409H1F |
Introduction to Model Theory and Set Theory | S. Todorcevic | T 3 Th 2-4 First class: Sept. 11 |
MAT1430HS | Set Theory: Forcing | S. Todorcevic | T 1 Th 12-2 |
MAT1502HF | Topics in Geometric Analysis: Brownian Motion on Manifolds | R. Haslhofer | M 10-12 W 11 |
MAT1507HS APM441H1S |
Asymptotic and Perturbation Methods | C. Sulem | Th 2-5 | ONLINE |
MAT1508HS APM446H1S |
Techniques of Applied Mathematics: Applied Nonlinear Equations | M. Sigal | Th 5 F 3-5 |
MAT1509HS | Mathematical and Computational Linguistics | M. Marcolli | T 4-6 W 4 |
MAT1525HS | Topics in Inverse Problems and Image Analysis | A. Nachman | Th 11-12 Fr 11 12 |
MAT1600HF* | Mathematical Probability I | B. Virag | T 9-11 Th 9 |
MAT1601HS* | Mathematical Probability II | B. Virag | T 9-11 Th 9 |
MAT1700HS APM426H1S |
General Relativity | S. Alexakis | M 1-3 Th 1 |
MAT1723HF APM421H1F |
Quantum Mechanics | M. Sigal | Th 5 F 5-7 First class: Sept. 7 |
MAT1750HF | Computational Mathematics: Numerical Methods | A. Stinchcombe | M 1 T 11 F 12 |
MAT1751HF CSC2451HF |
Quantum Computing, Foundations to Frontier | H. Yuen | W 2-5 | ONLINE |
MAT1840HF MAT482H1F |
Control Theory | B. Khesin | W 9 F 9-11 |
MAT1845HS | Introduction to Modern Holomorphic Dynamics | M. Yampolsky | M 1-3 W 1 |
MAT1855HS | Mathematical Problems in Economics | R. McCann | T 2-4 Th 2 |
MAT1856HS APM466H1S |
Mathematical Theory of Finance | L. Seco | M 11-2 | ONLINE |
MAT1901HF | Reading in Pure Mathematics: Topology and Geometry of Automorphism groups of free groups | M. Bestvina | T Th 2-4 | ONLINE |
MAT1902HF | Reading in Pure Mathematics: Dynamics and its Connections to Teichmuller Theory Course | J. Chaika | T Th 10:30-12 | ONLINE |
Key to building codes:
AB--Astronomy and Astrophysics, 50 St. George Street
BA--Bahen Centre, 40 St. George Street
FI--Fields Institute, 222 College Street
GB--Galbraith Building, 35 St. George Street
HU--215 Huron Street, 10th Floor
LM--Lash Miller Chemical Labs, 80 St. George Street
RS--Rosebrugh Building, 164 College Street
RW--Ramsay Wright Laboratories, 25 Harbord Street
Last updated: January 17, 2019