To attend any of our programs we require you to read and agree by our Student Code of Conduct.
This Code of Conduct highlights behaviour policies to keep everyone safe. This Code outlines our general expectations on behaviour and the consequences of violating the codes. Violations of the codes are divided into Major and Minor categories. Incidents may be categorized as either Major and Minor by camp staff depending on the context.
Major Offences
These offences are considered major as they break, or attempt to break, the Student Code of Conduct as informed by Ontario and Federal law, the Ontario Camping Association standards, and University of Toronto policy. This includes, but is not limited to:
- abusive (physical, sexual, emotional) or violent behaviour, including harassment and bullying, towards any member of the residences or staff whether it is in person or through technology like computer, cell phones, private messages or email;
- engaging in activity that compromises the physical or emotional safety of themselves or others;
- dropping or throwing objects in or from classrooms, residences, or other spaces to threaten or make others feel uncomfortable or unsafe;
- sexist, racist or homophobic behaviour which is likely to promote or produce an atmosphere of hostility or intolerance in the classrooms/residences;
- saying or doing things that hurt other people or might make people feel uncomfortable;
- inappropriate physical contact;
- possession of illegal drugs;
- being under the influence of illegal drugs;
- a minor (under 19) in possession of alcohol;
- a minor (under 19) under the influence of alcohol;
- anyone above the age of majority (19) providing alcohol to underage students;
- possession of weapons, firearms or explosive devices;
- vandalism or destruction of property or system intentionally.
Minor Offences
A minor offence will be judged as any violation of the Student Code of Conduct that does not carry a criminal charge and does not pose a serious safety risk. This includes, but is not limited to:
- skipping classes (for residential campers);
- failure to cooperate with requests from camp staff members;
- unsanitary behaviour;
- leaving a scheduled activity without permission;
The University's Appropriate Use of Information Communication Technology Policy
Students must act in accordance with the University's Appropriate Use of Information Communication Technology Policy terms, including avoiding all "inappropriate uses" described therein.
For further clarity, students should be mindful of the following principles and expectations:
- the classroom, whether physical or virtual, is intended to be a safe and secure environment for learning;
- pay careful attention to your instructors’ rules and guidance, permitted forms of collaboration, and other acceptable behaviours related to remote learning;
- participants are responsible for maintaining the privacy of their class and its participants;
- some portions of the online program such as lectures may be recorded to provide a learning resource for student use. Participants may not download or share these recordings with anyone, for any reason, without the explicit consent of the instructor;
- the intentional sharing of learning materials or private information with external groups or individuals, without the written permission of the lecturer or instructor is not permitted and may lead to termination of participation in the program and in future years;
- the deliberate sharing of private information, private images, communications, learning materials or other depictions of other participants or your instructors for the purpose of inviting external commentary, ridicule, or embarrassment, is not permitted and may lead to termination of participation in the program and in future years;
- ultimately, our classrooms are communities built on trust and our learning and teaching relies upon a shared sense of respect, integrity, and common purpose.
Disciplinary Action
Major Offences
All major offences will result in immediate expulsion. The police may be called. Students will be asked to leave immediately and the cost of their return home will be the sole responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian. Refunds will not be issued.
First Minor Offence
Student will be issued a written warning. Parents may be contacted. Students and parents will also be cautioned that a second offence could result in expulsion.
Second Minor Offence
A meeting will be called between the student, a camp staff member, and a representative of the Department of Mathematics to determine the action to be taken. Parents will be contacted. If an alternative solution cannot be agreed upon, the student will be asked to leave the program immediately and the cost of their return home will be the sole responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian. Refunds will not be issued.
Third Minor Offence
If a student is allowed to stay after the second offence and a third offence occurs, the student will be asked to leave the program immediately and the cost of their return home will be the sole responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian. Refunds will not be issued.
Absences & Attendance
All students are expected to participate and be on time for all activities. Participants in residential camps who do not wish to participate in a particular event must inform the staff in order to work out a mutually-beneficial outcome in accordance with camp policies.
Boundary Policy
For lunches, students with parental permission may travel to on campus/nearby locations, with permission from supervisors. Students must stay within walking distance of the camp and may not travel further west than Bathurst or east than Yonge. It is strongly recommended that students go in groups.